The 3 Goobers of

The 3 Goobers

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Before and After

Here is my shelter before and after photo. Not much of a physical difference but my inner dog sure has grown to be confident, secure, and sassy. Below is a link to a facebook page dedicated to before and after shelter photos.

Hopefully it will help spread the word that there are good dogs within all of us no matter were we came from. We just need good loving homes to let our souls shine.


  1. Thanks for sharing this awesome link! I'll do my best to pass it around.

  2. Good fur you! Mom amd me is gonna go and check out da FB page!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  3. That is so great! It's almost like you can see the sparkle in her eyes:)
    Thanks for the link to the FB page.


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